Additional Notes to the End of Support for PA-RAL-LEL-LUM’s Webcomic Release (04/12/2024)

I was optimistic, but things got worse.

It’s embarrassing to admit it after my grandiose statement mere weeks ago, but I have to stop releasing the webcomic.

However, it doesn’t mean I’m abandoning it. It’s still an ongoing project.

Rather than bi-monthly page releases, I’m reworking the title as complete ebooks now, to be sold
once they’re done. The webcomic was bleeding money for the past three years of its existence, and the worsening of my personal situation has forced to me to change tack while I still have the funds and equipment to do so. I don’t want to go the public funding route for producing the ebooks, because I don’t want the additional pressure of meeting investor expectations. If you had the intention to help financially, thank you for the thought, but no, I can still manage.

So going on to the other changes:

Storywise, it’ll be the mostly the same as what you’ve already seen on the webcomic, although I’m adjusting the starting point to help establish the premise more naturally. I’m also working to restructure the events so that most (if not each) ebook, while contributing to the setting as a whole, will have a self-contained story. The webcomic was plotted to be a long ongoing series, and while there’s nothing wrong with that, it turns out that it’s a poor fit for my work process.

Visually, I’ll be continuing to tweak my method of drawing to increase output. The recent changes on the last three pages posted online were the first attempts on that regard. I may also update or retcon some character designs, as some of these were made pre-2017 and my opinions on them have changed.

I’m currently taking a few days off to take stock of my situation, but I’ll be back on my usual work schedule next week. I’ll be mostly silent on updates, since that’s how I’m used to working. You’ll probably hear of me again when I’m done on at least one of the ebooks.

So, to my readers: I know you’re disappointed, and I’m really sorry. But if I let this situation fester, eventually the webcomic would worsen as well. I hope you find a new series to enjoy. Thank you for being here with me until today, and I hope to find you again when I return.

See you guys later.

P.S. Below is the replacement banner for the social media accounts announcing the intent to later release PA-RAL-LEL-LUM in its new form. PRL2 is currently the working title. The 2 isn’t because it’s a sequel, but rather there are two Ls if you take the first letter of each syllable. Maybe I should’ve went with that..

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